Our Story
Woodstyles was founded by Jeff Guthrie in the fall of 2007 in a two car garage with just over 500 sq. ft. of space. Reflecting back, Jeff jokes that he spent the majority of his time back than moving things around to gain access to different equipment or materials. At twenty five years old, Jeff had a passion to build custom cabinetry and a vision of creating pieces designed specifically for the individual customer. Woodstyles quickly became known for thinking outside of the box and taking the time to maximize the available space within the home. Pairing this with a commitment to fine craftsmanship and the use of quality materials has led to Woodstyles being sought after by contractors and homeowners alike.
As Woodstyles was growing, so was Jeff's family. In 2012, while Jeff's wife Sara was seven months pregnant with their second child, Woodstyles expanded. While moving into a new residence with a 1350 sq.ft. outbuilding, the business and the family gained some much needed space. (Sara was also happy to have a garage to park in again) This additional space opened up alot of possibilities and Woodstyles continued to grow. The space served the business well but even after being added onto, it quickly became apparent that Woodstyles would need to acquire a commercial space.


Today we utilize 5,500 sq. ft. of production space, a dedicated finishing area, and a showroom to better serve our clients and to work with a greater efficiency than ever before. We're always working to maximize production by incorporating new techniques or equipment but remain committed to only doing so without sacrificing the level of craftsmanship that we have become known and trusted for. Visitors are typically quite surprised to see the brightness as well as the cleanliness of our facility. We believe that a well organized shop is an efficient shop and the care that we will take in your home is demonstrated first in our own space.

The Guthrie Family
Our Values
Woodstyles is dedicated to handcrafting cabinetry in a time where quality is so often overlooked. We're always striving to provide our clients with the highest quality product that we can while remaining competitively priced. Woodstyles stands out because of our attention to the small details, fine craftsmanship, and our dedication to the customer.
However, we believe that first and foremost, the success of Woodstyles is attributed to the grace of God. Woodstyles has persevered and grown through tremendous obstacles over the years. Obstacles such as the housing and financial
crisis of 2008, just months after our beginning. This was a challenging time for any business and many businesses didn't survive it, especially in the construction industry. However, Woodstyles preserved and Jeff actually looks back upon those days with appreciation for those early struggles. By experiencing those initial trials, the company formed a foundation built upon lean processes and Jeff felt better equipped to lead the company through future trials as well. This is really a perspective and truth to be pursuing in all of life.
James 1:2-3 "Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow."
Troubles in this life are sure to arise, yet when responded to properly, they can be used for the good. Life brings a variety of challenges, many of which are a direct result of the fallen nature of the world caused by sin. When reflecting honestly... It's in those struggles that we may recognize a groaning deep down inside that things in life are not as they should be, perhaps even a longing for redemption.
Romans 1:19 "They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them."
We often live lives distracted by the struggles or consumed by the blessings of this world and fail to recognize the presence and calling of the one who has actually created it all.
Romans 1:25 “They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things that God created instead of the creator himself.”
Yet despite this sin and the disobedience of man toward the creator, God in his grace and mercy, made a way for that redemption just as he promised to do throughout scripture.
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."
God provided a way of redemption through Jesus for all who call upon his name as savior. This salvation is not earned or deserved but is rather a gift out of God's goodness.
Romans 5:8 “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”
We believe that the hope that we all seek and the redemption that is needed in this world is found in Jesus Christ alone. We also believe that all who genuinely seek the messiah are assured to find him.
Romans 10:9 “If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved”